Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019
7-8:30 pm
General Gordon Library
2268 Bayswater Street (6th and Bayswater)
The first month back-to-school is a time of adjustments and changes on many levels. At our first PIE meeting, we will learn together about social/emotional learning, which is the school’s teaching theme for this year. Erika Cedillo and Kathryn Ransdell, PIE co-chairs, will facilitate the evening’s discussion around the first step in social/emotional learning--self-awareness, which is defined as the ability to accurately recognize one's own emotions, thoughts, and values, and how they influence behaviour. This is a good time for us to sit with the questions, “How did September go for me?” and “What self-management skills do I need for this school year?” We will share together the strategies we already use for deepening self-awareness and hopefully we will leave the evening with strategies that can assist in our own particular situations. We will be learning from and with one another. And, of course, we will eat pie! (Gluten-free will also be available.)
Please send us a message if you plan to attend to have an idea of numbers. Of course, last minute drop-ins are always welcome. Childminding is still pending—email [email protected] to indicate need for childcare and we will confirm.