Unfortunately, the 2015 Budget that was released on February 17 does not fund public education adequately; on the contrary, it makes further cuts to a system that has already been cut time and again. Vancouver DPAC has put out a press release in which it deplores the cuts to education, especially in the context of a huge budget surplus, tax cuts for the wealthiest British Columbians, and increased funding to private schools.
You can find the press release here: http://vancouverdpac.us4.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=d21534669071d85cd4923da2f&id=4037296ac7&e=c1769fd1e4
If parents are wanting to contact MLAs but not sure what to say or how to do it, the Fix BC Education blog has an email that sent by DPAC executive Jennifer Stewart to every BC Liberal MLA as well as to the NDP leader and education critic; also listed there are the email addresses for all Liberal MLAs.http://vancouverdpac.us4.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=d21534669071d85cd4923da2f&id=4751aeac64&e=c1769fd1e4 Please feel free to use any/all of the wording for your own letter.
Parents can look up their MLA's contact info here: http://vancouverdpac.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d21534669071d85cd4923da2f&id=f02135fcaf&e=c1769fd1e4
A group called "MLA Playdate" that emerged during last year's strike has put some suggested actions that parents can take on its website:http://vancouverdpac.us4.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=d21534669071d85cd4923da2f&id=6b80bf06db&e=c1769fd1e4
Please sign Protect Public Education Now's petition for adequate education funding: http://vancouverdpac.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d21534669071d85cd4923da2f&id=c140328f4b&e=c1769fd1e4
About this blogThe communication committee contributes stories and news to this section. We also welcome submissions from any Livingstone family member – including kids! Let us know if you're interested, or just send along a story. Be sure to let us know how you want your byline listed. Archives
May 2024