The time requirement is 8:50 am until approximately 9:30 am on Thursday's (Wednesday's if it is a Pro D Day). Sign up is via a Google sheet that lists dates, volunteer spaces and Divisions that are signed up (in case you want to join your child's class).
Needs are:
- X2 people for this week (we just need two - please use sign-up sheet)
- Parents that have participated in the past (or will come for one session) and then be a 'Leader' - the leader requirement is just being the point person for that day - showing people how to set-up the food on the library tables and explaining the process to the kids. I can help with the securing of additional volunteers.
- If there's a parent that has participated in the past and is available to 'Lead' this week - please let me know...could really use the help this week.
We're still hoping to integrate the leadership team once that's finalized. In the meantime, it would be GREATLY appreciated to have some parent support.
Email me with any questions! Thanks in Advance!
Jo-Anne Stayner