David Livingstone Elementary School
315 East 23rd Street Vancouver, BC V5V 1X6 Phone: 604-713-4985
As you are aware, Livingstone Elementary will be starting a seismic upgrade project on the current building next school year (September 2021). The temporary accommodations for Livingstone while it is under construction is South Hill Swing Site, located at 5987 Prince Albert Street.
We will be setting up a virtual meeting later in the school year to present procedures, expectations and answer questions. This survey has been developed for planning purposes to assess how many families will be using the provided school bus service to get to and from South Hill each day.
Please complete one survey per child. https://survey.vsb.bc.ca/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=96KI9891
Please complete this survey by April 26, 2021.
Michael Rossi
District Principal Educational Planning
Office of the Superintendent Vancouver School Board 1580 West Broadway
e: [email protected]